Michael Chun

Baby Computer Science Major & Web Developer

Bellingham, Washington, USA chun_michael@ymail.com
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My History & Profile:

I am a Junior majoring in Computer Science and Economics at Western Washington University and am set to graduate in 2016. All my experience thus far has been in personal side projects and school related work, though I am really interested in contributing my ideas, creativity, leadership and problem solving abilities to use my Computer Science background towards technology solutions in an internship capacity.

When I am not doing school work, I am often working on various side projects, contributing to a Mozilla project, or doing work as the President and Treasurer of the League of Vikings, where I work with club financial actions and event planning.


  • HTML5/CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • PHP Backend
  • SQL Databases
  • Objective-C

  • Ada
  • Java
  • Python
  • Scheme
  • Racket


Western Washington University, Expected Graduation Date: June 2015

Inglemoor High School graduate of 2012

Projects and Experience:

Web Application Developer

Current Web Application Developer at Western Washington University. Responsible for developing and maintaining web-based software for University Residences students and staff through the use of HTML/CSS, Javascript, and Python using the Django web framework.

Solo project I created using PHP, mySQL, Javascript, and HTML. An interactive online storefront that retrieves product information from a database, allows clients to search for products, use a shopping cart, writes customer and order information to database, allows the user to review order history, and sends user e-mail conformation for each order.

Contributor at Mozilla

Investigate bug reports, run testcases and exploratory testing, write and edit technical articles and provide technical support as a member of the Army of Awesome!

Microsoft Corporation

Team Leader in creating, designing and debugging game prototypes in Hunt the Wumpus competition. Responsible for designing Map and Cave specifics to orientation and data requirements given by Microsoft.

Utility Billing Program Creator

Created a program that generated an estimate of a person’s utility bill. Received a perfect 7 out of 7 score from the International Baccalaureate Scoring committee. Researched and designed many different electric billcalculators to create a more comprehensive solution which conformed to any person’s household.

Vex Robotic Competition

Designed, programmed and tested a robot to compete against other entries in a competition of robotic basketball. Received award for teamwork.

Leadership Roles:

Technology Representative of Buchanan Towers

Maintain the Buchanan Towers website and calendar, as well as mailing lists and other technology related activities.

Founding Officer and President of League of Vikings

Main officer of one of the largest on-campus student clubs at WWU with 200 members. Organized PC gaming competitions with other schools, conducted meetings, solicited funding and coordinated group activities.

Northwest Regional Coordinator

Coordinator for the Collegiate Games. Manage teams for Pacific NW and organize and host regional events. Collaborate with fellow coordinators.

WWU Humans vs Zombies Moderator

Moderator for the Humans vs Zombies club at WWU, responsible for working with fellow moderators to maintain the state of the quarter games which can have over 500 active players. Part of the web development team.